Paper Pattern for History of Pakistan (FAST-NUCES, CS'10)

Section 1 (40 Marks)
Reading 2-13
MCQ's (10 Marks)
Attemp 2 long questions out of 4 (15 Marks each)
Section 2(10 Marks)
Reading 14-onward
Write on one topic out of 3.(10 Marks)
Happy Reading :D

Lips Care

  • Try to avoid licking your lips too much: this actually dries them out more, causing them to chap and crack.
  • Try gentle exfoliation at least once a week to help shed some of the built up dead skin on your lips. This will stimulate cell turnover and help keep lips looking smooth, soft and healthy. Be warned though, you should NEVER exfoliate sun burned, cracked or damaged lips.
  • Try to keep your lips moisturized throughout the day with generous use of moisturizing lip balms, glosses or sticks.