Best Invoice Design Contest--A chance to win 175$ and annual subscription to

Today, we have yet another cool Contest. DesignMondo and BillGrid announce the inception of their new Contest. Win $175 and Annual Subscription to BillGrid! This is a giveaway that you simply don’t want to miss. Read on to see how you can win this excellent prize.

Tips For Your Feet

Your feet are one of the factors to maintain your happiness. If you give little attention to your feet you will get happier feet and life will be easier. Your feet carry your burden everywhere all the day so they should get the treatment they deserve. Treat your feet with love and care and feel absolutely comfortable to bare your feet in public. To keep your feet beautiful and amazing you need to follow some basic foot care tips.
Although life is too fast and we do not get time to inspect our feet. However, these simple tips will give you little pain to keep your feet in absolute condition all the time.

Spiced Citrus Bean Soup


  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 onions , sliced
  • 450g carrots , roughly chopped
  • 1 tbsp garam masala
  • finger-length of fresh root ginger , grated
  • juice 1 orange
  • 1l vegetable stock
  • 200ml can reduced-fat coconut milk